This is a test to see what’s happening when I try to publish my posts.

I have been advised that some readers could not access my last post. I have adjusted my settings. If you are unable to access this or any of my posts please drop me a line in the comments.


14 thoughts on “TEST

  1. Perhaps you can share on your site that I have been following for a couple of years now. Your Malahat neighbour, N.

    There is an action which can be taken if the “numbers of people” take united action. Dr. Laibow has a method that can work. 100,000 people send 428 letters and that’s 42.8 million letters. I hope ever Canadian goes to the website and sends 4 letters to 428 members of Parliament. Everything is done for you automatically and is released to all MP’s at once. Maybe worth a shot. Dr. Laibow explains the proceedure by picking the individual dots. This is the shear power of the people which allows for critical mass to work. PLEASE SHARE!


    Great Website see actions here https://preventgenocide2030.org/canada Scroll down to Canada Action Emails


  2. Thanks very much to all those who left comments saying they were still receiving my posts. WordPress added a few hoops on the settings for me to jump through before they published my posts but I think I’ve got it straightened out now.

    I do believe that we bloggers will have a Renaissance in the coming years if we keep at it. When blogging first started as fellow bloggers Northerntruthseeker and Pennyforyourthoughts will attest, we got thousands of hits a day on our blogs. Then, due to Google algorithm settings, we were cut back to just hundreds of hits on a good day.

    Perhaps the blogging platforms like WordPress are now going to fight back for us and give us more exposure on the Internet. After all, we pay an annual fee for use of their platform. In any case, I do believe the recent changes will ultimately be for our benefit.

    I would attribute this ‘sea change’ to Elon Musk standing up for free speech on Twitter. He’s giving the communist control freaks a run for their money.


  3. I am still having trouble accessing your posts…I am a subscriber. I get the outlay of your various posts on the Blog Page however when clicking on each itemized post it goes back to the Menu page.


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