RFK Jr. Presidential Campaign gaining momentum

Robert F. Kennedy Jr and well known podcaster Joe Rogan after the interview

Good afternoon readers. It’s a cool, windy and rainy afternoon on the Malahat. Good afternoon to do some arts and crafts and also to immerse myself more deeply in some of the stunning goings on on Twitter. Need I say it again? Twitter is now the battlefield of the war for humanity against the globalists. It is all going on on Twitter and those who don’t go there are not engaging directly with the enemy.

Proof of this is what happened within the past two or three days since Joe Rogan interviewed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. This interview went on for over three hours. I have not yet watched it in its entirety but have seen about seven or eight shorter segments from it. Each one of these segments has been a bombshell. Don’t believe me? Just watch the segment below when he discusses mercury in childhood vaccines. OMG…the Big Pharma CEO’s and their politician shills must be tearing their hair out as I type.

Each of the segments I watched was on a different issue but just as stunning in openness, logic and speaking the unspeakable truth to power. Now people are going to discover what I tried to tell everyone when RFK Jr first declared his candidacy…the Kennedy’s don’t mince words and the Kennedy’s all have formidable intellects, ability to remember evidence and grasp the fundamentals…and then express them in language the average Joe can understand.

I saw another random Tweet today by some guy who said he has US military sources who’re telling him that there’s going to be a national shut down of the Internet…that some entities are going to “hold the Internet to ransom” in the cities. Whatever the hell that means. But I kind of took him seriously because like I say, the big wigs must be tearing their hair out trying to find a method of shutting RFK jr down without…you know.

So, and here’s the kicker, after the interview with Bobby Kennedy, Joe Rogan got a lot of flack from Big Pharma shills [as was expected] saying that RFK Jr was a crackpot conspiracy theorist and that Rogan should be ashamed to have given him a platform. The most infamous of these Dr’s was a Dr. Dr. Peter Hotez, a pediatrician and dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine,


who’s been blasting the airwaves in the US for three years telling everyone the vaxes/boosters are ‘safe and effective’ and should be given to children. This particular Doctor made a comment on the Joe Rogan Twitter account that RFK was a nutbar spreading misinformation blah blah blah. So what happened then? Joe Rogan challenged the doctor to come on his show and debate RFK Jr. live for an open ended debate. Rogan offered the doctor $100,000 to give to his favourite charity [he would get the tax receipt]. Then, a whole bunch of other names in the vaxxine controversy also came on and upped the amount till now it’s a million and a half dollars. The Doctor of course weaseled his way out of the challenge saying that Kennedy was a “lawyer” and could talk better than him and that he didn’t want to give Kennedy even more of a platform yada yada yada.

Here is a short video that illustrates the impact this doctor had on the rollout of the vaccines…appears he was on every TV show on the MSM pushing the experimental injections for over three years and counting:

Then Elon Musk jumped into the fray and said that the Doctor did not want to debate Kennedy because he was a coward and knew Kennedy would beat him in a debate. Musk also said that many people have been injured by the vaccines including him [Musk] BOOM. Well, a lot of us know Musk was seriously injured after his second Moderna shot. He spent a couple of days not knowing whether he was going to live or die and says he still doesn’t know what the long term effects on his health are.

Folks, so you can see from the above that RFK Jr. has the ability of gathering powerful and talented people to his cause. I told you that would happen and it already has. RFK Jr. told Rogan that he has had private polling done that has convinced him he can win the presidency.

Cue the ba$tard Satanists who killed his uncle and father, right? We all know the descendants of those bastards are still around and still in very high places. All I can say is…keep an eye on this campaign of Bobby Kennedy’s. It’s like one of those firecrackers we used to light on Hallowe’en when we were kids. We called them ‘cannons” you lit the fuse and then threw it a few feet away and watched while it jumped all over the place throwing sparks and making loud bangs! Yep. Just like that. Kennedy has not only been interviewed by Joe Rogan. Below is an interview with Mike Tyson of all people and there’s also a very good interview he did with Canadian psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson. Stay tuned.

More on Dr. Hotez from well known anti-covID-19 vaxer Dr. Robert Malone