Vaccine Update: Genocide by the batch – Pfizer Study shows

PLUS: According to RFK Jr, US bioweapon laboratory working on ethnically targeted [against Russians] vaccines caused Russia to invade Ukraine.

Good afternoon readers. It’s been a while since I posted. We went on a mini driving vacay to Sointula, a small community on Malcolm Island off the the north coast of Vancouver Island. We had a great time with the grandkids.

We’re experiencing a heatwave here on Vancouver Island. Soon there will be a rash of forest fires and then the air will be as smoky as pea soup. I have another post ready to go which is about all the weather modification warfare that’s going on in Canada and elsewhere in the West.

In the meantime, folks, have a gander at the following SHOCKING videos garnered from Twitter…the last bastion of truth on the increasingly corrupt Internet. Not to say there aren’t lies and fakes on Twitter but, more often than you would expect, there are these bombshells of truth like the video below:

RFK JR. correctly explains at a @nypost event that ‘Covid’ is a CCP Bioweapon that ‘ethnically targets people’ as he also admits the U.S. has spent $100M’s on Biolabs in Ukraine to develop similar Bioweapons. All true as confirmed by fmr. LT Scott Bennett.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. better watch his back. The folks behind the ethnically targeted bioweapon labs in Ukraine and elsewhere do not like the floodlight of attention any of his pronouncements give to their pet projects. Of course, little moi and all of my blogging confreres already knew that the perps were ethnically targeting their bioweapon vaxxines. It’s been rumoured for years.

According to RFK Jr., the US bioweapon labs located in Ukraine were targeting Caucasians [including Russians] and blacks. Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese were NOT targeted. This is what RFK Jr. alleges in the video above. Shocking indeed. Below is another bombshell report–that some people got ‘dangerous’ covID-19 shots–while others got placebos during the past three year international roll out of the experimental mRNA, gene editing, graphene containing injections.

Finally we have a report that also indicates something that most of us red pillers already knew–the Amish do not have autism–while the rates for autism in the West have exploded. My granddaughter has autism and it is a constant source of pain and anger when I see how she is struggling to cope with the life-long disability–to know that it was targeted on her as an infant and totally avoidable. It makes me want to go and strangle someone, actually!

Greencrow concludes: Anyone who allows a medical [so-called ‘health’] worker to inject them with ANYTHING in this day and age is an idiot. And any parent who allows their child to be put on the roller coaster of the over 60 ‘recommended’ childhood vaccines before the age of 18 is a child abuser. It’s got that bad. I don’t know how parents even function nowadays–between the lethal vaccines and the filth they’re pouring into the kid’s brains in the school classrooms.

Well, I do know how they function…most parents of young children are totally oblivious of the evil agenda. They’re like fish swimming in toxic water…they know nothing else.

But, the Russians certainly know that they’re being targeted.

Can you imagine what that society is going through? I don’t think 90% of the Russians are braindead–like 90% of the Western societies [including Canadians] are. Stay tuned.

UPDATE: Here’s the latest re the projected ‘next pandemic’. Of course, it will be a cover-up of the vaxxine injuries, dontchaknow:

Jim Ferguson says on Twitter: “A top Virologist has made a video claiming to be his last and that he believes there will potentially be mass death and outbreaks of illness towards the end of summer this year. It comes hot on the heels of reports that another pandemic may be heading to the UK which could cause another mass lockdown event and that it could be the big one killing 40% of victims.… Some have suggested that the next pandemic may be a cover for those already vaccinated and becoming ill due to injuries caused to their immune systems.” #mRNAvaccines #ExcessDeaths #vaccineinjuries #UK #USA #WEF2030Agenda…

2 thoughts on “Vaccine Update: Genocide by the batch – Pfizer Study shows

  1. Hi FreakedOut:

    Thanks for letting me know. I thought it looked a big different when I copied and pasted it onto the Tweet. Will try again, Coincidentally, had some trouble with my regular e-mail this past week but hopefully it’s solved up now.


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