Chemtrails are coal ash

and other inconvenient truths about our increasingly fake environment

Good afternoon readers. I’m slowly recovering from an endeavour I will never repeat in this lifetime…hosting a group of longtime old friends [five] at our mountain cabin. I almost literally knocked myself out and have been trying to rest and recover ever since. The heat [we’re in a two month drought/heat wave] and stress led to severe muscle cramps in my thighs. I was falling asleep the night they stayed over and suddenly it felt like I had been stabbed in both thighs. The pain of the cramps was intense and i could not walk for several minutes or even stretch out my legs properly. I looked up muscle cramps on Google and apparently they can be caused by heat, dehydration [although I was drinking lots of bottled water and sparkling juice]. Stress can also be a factor as can age. In any case, I was kept up most the night with several more attacks of cramps at about 3 hour intervals.

The next morning I had to get up early and put on breakfast for seven. I toughed it out and collapsed only after the guests left for the ferry around noon. These friends are people hubby and I have been friends with for over 40 years! We shared the raising of our kids and now the bragging about our grandchildren. All of the five plus hubby are vaxed and true believers of the official narrative. Of course, I decided long before they arrived I was not going to ruin the visit by getting into the Plandemic BS. But I must confess to having a secret hope that perhaps some of them might have woken up just a tad in the three years since we had actually spent time together prior to the covIDian hoax.

Alas, not so. They were/are shockingly entrenched and totally oblivious to the connection between all the sudden illnesses/deaths of their friends/relatives and the vaccines. NOT A SINGLE CLUE…and I’d better not enlighten them, for fear of getting my head bitten off.

They kept listing all the sicknesses such as strokes, heart issues and sudden deaths as if they were all horrible coincidences. It was a rude awakening, folks. When we sentients communicate on social media in our own little cocoon we think somehow they’re smartening up by the sheer numbers of adverse vaccine incidents…not so!

I sadly do not think they will ever wake up. No matter how many friends/family/strangers drop around them. They have far too much invested in the narrative and the relentless dinning of the MSM reinforcing their covIDian dream [or should I say nightmare] world.

So, now to the topic of this post. This is a compendium of many links I’ve saved during the past couple of months having to do with the next and current Globalist HOAX — the climate HOAX. Please browse through the links below and I will have concluding comments to follow:


Video below submitted by FreakedOut

Here’s a 43 minute video by Dr Klinghardt on EMF’s and their hazards, especially to children. Perhaps the EMF’s contribute to such chronic disabilities as arthritis and/or autism. A good video to show family?

Dr Dietrich Klinghardt – Smart Meters and EMR – the Health Crisis of our time







Nova Scotia police thwart three arson attacks as media blames ‘climate change’ for wildfires

“The Royal Canadian Mounted Police have arrested several arsonists across the country as wildfires engulf Canada in its worst-ever fire season.”



Classic video on what’s in Chemtrails


Carbon Dioxide is the PerpZ’ Climate Change “BoogyMan”

“Australian broadcaster, Alan Jones: “Carbon dioxide is 0.04% of the atmosphere. Human beings create only 3% of that 0.04%. Is anyone seriously suggesting that we should stand the economy on its head, force up energy prices, damage business, jeopardize employment, because 0.04% of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide?” Yes Alan, that’s exactly what the climate totalitarians are suggesting, because none of this really has anything to do with saving the planet, and everything to do with deliberately wiping out the middle class, drastically reducing our standard of living and exerting absolute totalitarian control over every aspect of our lives, under the mere guise of “saving the planet” from the non-existent “climate emergency”. …”




Geoengineering: the source of weather extremes patterns

“The charade of “natural” weather continues. We are living within a weather simulation of enormous proportions, and their effort to conceal the rising of the temperatures and the global natural weather collapse Now, since California is on the coast (as opposed to inland where the majority of WV Gen exists) and at the beginning of the continental manufactured weather cycle, it requires a different approach – to attempt to drive artificial precipitation there.

Surely you’ve heard the term “Pineapple Express” recently from Al Roker or any of the other TV “Meteorologists.” Just like “Polar Vortex,” this new cover-term provided to the talking heads is supposed to explain why the only precipitation that California ever sees anymore comes from an inexplicable straight-line stream that just ‘materializes’ from the Hawaiian Islands area. As always, in reality it is easily observable Water Vapor Generation, but with some unique features in the open ocean.–WW101. *Most Credit of this video goes to WeatherWa101 and Team (in their memory). FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.”


Greenpeace Founder Dr. Patrick Moore on CO2 and the Climate HOAX

After looking more closely at the photos in the above video I suspect it might be fake.


Greencrow concludes: There you have it folks. Many links worthy of saving somewhere and bringing out to prove arguments with the sheeple. I know my husband is still at the stage where he denies chemtrails….I kid you not! He thinks they’re just normal jet contrails.

After rubbing my sentient braincells up against the baaahaaing sheeple for several days I can tell you that a LOT OF WORK needs to be done to penetrate the thick skulls and the fortress of MSM BS that prevents truth/facts from reaching 80+ percent of western humanity.

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