UPDATED: “Hamas Para-glider Attack” on Israel WAS a False Flag

This is why Israel has never legally defined its borders.


UPDATED: October 27, 2023 – “Israel’s military received orders to shell Israeli homes and even their own bases as they were overwhelmed by Hamas militants on October 7. How many Israeli citizens said to have been “burned alive” were actually killed by friendly fire?”

Good afternoon folks. This is a post I started working on last week and put aside to do the post on vaxxZines that I published over the weekend. Had a very good response to that one [over 800 hits to date]. People, even the sadly vaxed, are waking up. I feel somewhat confident there will be a halt to the jabbatoirs injecting the killer toxins into humans without their informed consent.

In the meantime, a lot has happened regarding the Israeli-created crisis/”Hamas” False Flag. Yes, I officially declared the “Para-glider Attacks” to be an Israeli False Flag on Twitter/X last week. There has been absolutely no proof to back up the “over the top” story about para-gliders escaping the largest open air prison in the world and attacking Israelis. OTOH, there is proof that some militants [proxies?] took some Israelis hostage–then ALL were mowed down in a hail of bullets, slaughtered by the Israeli “security” teams. More about that in a link to follow.

Since the crisis began, escalating by the day…all over the world humanity’s revolting against the Official Narrative and the latest hysterical lies and foaming-at-the-mouth hatred of Palestinians coming out of Israel. Israelis need to demonize Palestinians so, when they finally move in to genocide them to extinction, they’re hoping nobody will care. Well, it appears they’ve bitten off more than they can chew. It appears all their decades of chickens have finally come home to roost. The following links, saved over the past week from X, will prove what I just said. Humanity is done with the professional victim nation! Please read and as usual, I will have final comments thereafter.



STUNNING INFORMATION: This just in from X – Israeli woman, former hostage of “Hamas” says she was treated humanely by the kidnappers but that all the hostages and “Hamas” were INDISCRIMINATELY shot by Israelis in an exchange of gun fire.

Netanyahu has proved hundreds of times that he does not care about humanity–whether Palestinian or Jew. Israelis hate him just like Canadians hate Trudeau and demonstrate nightly in Tel Aviv for his resignation from office. The demonstrators are angry that he’s trying to amend their constitution without their consent:

UPDATE: As of October 24, 2023, it is estimated that over 2000 children have been killed in the latest land grab by the Israeli government.


My old friend and blogging colleague Northerntruthseeker had a great Rant about the Israel crisis last Sunday. Here it is:


Canadian video blogger Jeff Berwick also had some cogent things to say about Israel and the Hamas crisis a few days ago. Jeff goes into the background of Hamas, and rips the mask off.


The next few links are about the so-called Hamas Attack itself and Israeli bombing of targets in Gaza since. Targets like mosques, churches…and a hospital.


Here is what I call the “smoking gun”. Netanyahu’s aide posted that Israel bombed the hospital before quickly deleting it and saying Hamas did it:


Syrian Girl, a long time real reporter on Israel’s exploits in the Middle East, reports that @HananyaNaftali proudly boasted that Israel bombed Gaza’s ah-Ahli hospital before deleting and two minutes later lying that Hamas did it. He works directly under Netanyahu.

The fact that Israel’s defense minister says verbatim that Palestinians are animals and should be killed by being denied food and water means that Israel can no longer be called an apartheid state. Its accomplishment makes Israel a Nazi state, and the United States, Norway and other allies into Nazi.

Read the English Subtitles at the bottom of the video:

Most nations, including Russia, believe Israel’s bombing of the hospital in Gaza is 100 percent the fault of the United States, Norway and other NATO countries. The Israeli government is a religious fanatic–open about wanting to expel the Palestinians. No one has the right to be surprised by Israel’s genocidal approach now.


Even some Americans don’t buy the latest denial:

This is a typical sample of the kind of invective Jewish supporters have been coming out with on X in an effort to dehumanize Palestinians.


Yet the situation is not black and white. Many Jews do not support what Israel is doing to Palestine. Here are some important voices speaking out….

Give a listen to this young Jewish man…who speaks volumes eloquently–about the brainwashing going on of the Jewish population:

Brainwashing that’s been going on for almost 100 years. This is how it all began…In the UK with the signing of The Balfour Declaration. Did the Palestinians have any say in this British document? Were they even consulted? Is it therefore even legal?????

In their desperation to provoke their necessary war, the Israelis are even attacking the Christian minority in Palestine, bombing a centuries old church were Christians were seeking refuge from the bombing. Listen to this traumatized man…


Greencrow continues: When the above video was posted on X some Israel supporters said he looked “like an actor”. Does he look like an actor to you?

A paper on the crisis–for those who want background and depth to the conflict

Israel’s Unfolding Genocide of the Palestinian People & U.S. Failure to Prevent and Complicity in Genocide

I am here like an olive tree. We will never surrender our homeland,” Raji Sourani

In the video below, is one of the best commentaries I have listened to so far. This man puts the conflict into historical context…the never-ending exploitation of/theft from the indigenous–who are found on the land that the powerful covet:


Despite that…..Gaza continues to survive…

Greencrow concludes. I’ve got into some quite heated debates on X over the last few days with those who support Israel. I’ve decided not to pussy-foot around this time, having lived through and followed several of these Israeli land grabs by now. The Israeli supporters on social media are just as hysterical and prevaricating as usual…but I have changed my response. I no longer accept the following fundamental premises they’ve set up over the decades:

1. That Israelis are “Semites” [Arabs]

2. That Israel has Legal title to Palestine/Judea, because “God Gave It to Us” as told in their bible

3. That Israel is the perpetual victim and must be tiptoed around due to historical trauma.

Humanity has given Israel the kid-glove treatment and where has it got us? Always dragged to the brink of WWIII. This time’s no exception. Why is it that when Israel gets into a war with its neighbours…it always has to be a WWIII-threatening/civilization-ending event? Ever wonder about that? The bottom line is that Israel is running out of water. Several times when they got into conflagrations with neighbours, it was over their repeated efforts to steal the Litani River from Lebanon.


That was thwarted by Hezbollah…which militant group they’re again trying to drag into the current fray.

At the time of that war I read much information about how Israel only has so many years of water left. Israel is growing quickly. Palestinians have also seen their population increase at a tremendous rate–as Israeli supporters keep calling attention to.

IMO, this war is about dwindling resources, particularly water. Instead of getting into name calling and dehumanizing invectives. The parties and their international supporters should sit down and hammer out a permanent solution to this problem. As I remarked on X, I know that Vladimir Putin, many years ago, offered to resettle the Ashkenazi Jews back to their ancestral homelands in Russia. Would this solution be preferable to blowing the entire planet up–over a water shortage dispute in a shithole country? Stay tuned.

A Palestinian child searches for his family amongst the dead bodies.


2 thoughts on “UPDATED: “Hamas Para-glider Attack” on Israel WAS a False Flag

  1. Israel (not Jews, the State of Israel) is a “Professional Victim” country. They’re like the guy who sets up an “accident” and sues the other party for all they’ve got. They’ve got the police and judges in their back pocket. Ultimately, they will lose. I think they know this, and Ukraine is their backup plan.

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