Tucker Carlson – the Best Interview on the Covid Hoax that I’ve ever watched


Good Saturday morning dear sentient readers. I’m still putting stuff away from Christmas and have a full slate of household chores to do today but want to get this very important, I would submit landmark post off ASAP. This post contains the link below to the latest interview by Tucker Carlson on his new news website TCN Tucker Carlson News. I now subscribe to this website and so have access to all his interviews and monologues as soon as they appear. This is the new face of the news for those who are still labouring under the belief they can find out what’s happening by scrolling through the Legacy News websites. Journalists like Tucker Carlson not only report the news but they MAKE THE NEWS. In other words, Tucker brings on people who change the way the population thinks by adding to its knowledge base. Such is the case in the interview below. I watched the entire 50 minutes of it last night and had my mind blown. Biologist Bret Weinstein starts off slow, in fact, 25 minutes into the interview I was ready to write him off as someone doing a “limited hangout”. But then he picks up speed and gets into what he expects is going to happen in the next six or eight months and it’s a roller coaster ride with spine-tingling curves from then on. Please watch the video below and I will have comments to follow:

Tucker Carlson Interviews biologist Bret Weinstein on X

Greencrow continues: Interesting how so many of these scientists were fooled by the vaccine pushers at the beginning. Weinstein says at first he thought the mRNA technology behind the injections was “Wizardry”. Well, I thought it was garbage from the moment, four years ago now, that I read portions of the Texas University research paper about the dead ferret test subjects. I also did not believe the Plandemic for one single, solitary second. Those who’ve been following my blog for the past decade+ of its existence [Blogspot and then WordPress] will remember that I called it a False Flag back in January of 2020 when the cruise ships were ordered back into Port for having a “virus” on them. I still have that post in my old Blogspot archived blog [I was kicked off Blogspot for spreading what Weinstein and Carlson laughingly call “malinformation”. Malinformation is truth that the authorities do not approve of] I should find that post sometime and paste it on a post here on WordPress just for bragging rights–unlike some of the ‘greatest minds on the planet’–I was never fooled for one single moment!

Here is more recent information on the kill/clot shot uptake in Canada.

I believe the ‘vaccine’ uptake listed above is even less than portrayed. Like Weinstein says, I believe uptake is in the single digits.

Greencrow concludes: So, readers, it appears that the Western world is going to be forced to experience Round Two of the CovIDian Depopulation Operation, beginning next May 2024. Now I know why CPC MP Dr. Leslyn Lewis wants everyone to sign her Parliamentary Petition to take Canada out of the United Nations. I did sign that petition, along with the one to force JFT to resign, which was being sponsored by another Conservative MP.

Interesting that Weinstein calls the evil forces who are trying to eliminate the Western Populations from the planet “Goliath”. Goliath was an evil giant in the Old [Jewish] Testament of the Bible. There are an awful lot of KhaZarian Jews represented in the known group of elites who are spearheading the CovIDian Agenda 2030 operation. That’s why I was initially very skeptical of Weinstein himself, and thought he might be just doing a limited hangout. Interesting also that the latest Israeli genocidal land grab in Gaza is going on at this moment in time…likely as a distraction from what’s going on at the UN and WHO. 

One question I’ve not seen addressed is the question of Russia. Did Russia take the mRNA shots? I can’t see Putin doing that to his people [he’s always urging them to have children and raise the population levels]. Weinstein tells Carlson that the latest numbers of ‘vaccine’ victims according to a conference he recently attended in Europe are:

17 million killed by the mRNA vaccines worldwide

– 1 in 800 is the ratio of serious injury after just one shot.

And this just in from the UK

Greencrow continues: Weinstein points to several eastern Europe countries [Romania, etc.] as being potential saviors of humanity by refusing to go along with the UN WHO Agreement scheduled to come in force next May. Is Russia also included in that group of dissident nations? Is this why the West is hell bent on destroying Russia?

So many questions raised by the Weinstein/Tucker interview. So little time between now and May to derail the out of control “Goliath” freight train coming down the tunnel at us. One of the few bright lights is the activation of journalists such as Tucker Carlson who are risking everything to bring us the truth–in the form of dissident knowledge bearers such as Bret Weinstein. Weinstein himself expresses fear for his safety but says “there are some things worse than death” [such as capitulation to evil]. This is my sentiment as well and always has been. Family and friends have warned me from time to time about the potential risks of truth blogging but, like Weinstein, I simply cannot sit idly by and allow the maelstrom to hit humanity with absolutely no warning or defense preparation. Oh, another thing Weinstein says is: the vaccination operation was derailed because of Podcasters like Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson. I beg to differ. Four years ago Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson and other podcasters were nowhere to be found. Who was on the front lines of truth telling? Little moi! greencrow…and bloggers like me. Such as Northerntruthseeker, Penny for your thoughts, and a couple dozen others. We were the ones calling it a fraud, warning about the vaccines, posting the research materials on a daily basis. Then, a couple of years ago we were algorithmed out of existence…taken down – from thousands of hits per day to a couple dozen. Weinstein and Tucker speculate during the interview that that is what will happen to the podcasters...that the perps are already coming up with legislation to silence them…prior to the “rematch” as Weinstein calls what will happen after May, 2024.

One way or another, I predict 2024 will be the most pivotal year in the history of humanity. Stay tuned. And, in the meantime, watch this bonus feature interview below where Tucker Carlson does the first interview on X with Alex Jones–following Alex Jones’ readmission back on X. 


BONUS FEATURE – Alex Jones is back on Twitter this is an historical development

And if you’re not sick of Alex Jones by now, here’s yet another interview of him on his own X channel. I don’t mind Alex and I’m glad he’s back on X but I can only take him in small doses.


3 thoughts on “Tucker Carlson – the Best Interview on the Covid Hoax that I’ve ever watched

  1. Thank you for the ‘heads up’ on the petition, as we don’t watch any msm news, it was news to us! We too enjoyed the Tucker interview with Weinstein and hope that some normies will take it in. Happy New Year.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Greencrow,

    Like you I knew the Covid (Cofraud?) was BS in May 2020. I can’t pinpoint the exact day, but it was the day Governor ‘infanticide’ Northam (US Virginia Governor) shut everything down. Northam was actually in favor of murdering new born infants!

    The ‘vaccine’ killed my brother and I couldn’t get the pathologist to do anything! I even gave her Dr Ryan Cole’s contact information.

    Yes Alex Jones is ‘off the hook’ as my black friends say. One of his all time whacked out moments came when he stated he wanted to cook and eat Brian Stelter. He even had a recipe!

    Tucker Carlson has come a long way. He even apologized for his stance on the Iraq.


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