Updated: Coutts 4

UPDATE: February 7, 2024 Newsweek article reporting on the release of two of the four Coutts political prisoners of JFT:


BREAKING NEWS FEBRUARY 6, 2024 – Maxime Bernier tweets

“Two of the #Coutts4 were released today after pleading guilty to reduced charges. I spoke on the phone with two of them last week (the two Chris), and just had a call this evening with a third, Tony, who remains in prison. I believe what these men told me and am convinced they are innocent and did not conspire to murder policemen, as the Crown claims. They are decent men who were simply protesting against covid tyranny, just like we did in Ottawa. In fact, I am now convinced the whole thing was a false flag operation set up by the RCMP to give Trudeau another pretext to unconstitutionally invoke the Emergencies Act. The Crown has no proofs and that’s why they agreed to negotiate a release of two of them on bogus charges. They want to get rid of this hot potato. Tony told me he’s willing to stay in jail for as long as it takes until the trial happens and the truth is revealed. The level of corruption in this affair is mind-boggling. The Trudeau regime will go down in history as one of the most corrupt and tyrannical in Canadian history. There must be justice for these men, and for so many others who were accused, fined, had their bank accounts frozen, lost their jobs, and had their lives upended because they refused to comply to tyranny.”

From earlier today:




Greencrow comments: Looks like these men can thank Tucker Carlson for their belated but timely release from custody on spurious charges. Carlson commented on the Kangaroo Court that was going on in Alberta regarding the Coutts 4 while he was visiting there a week or so ago.


Folks, It’s Monday today and we’re having a cold -6 cloudy day on snowy Malahat. Our wood stove has been going steadily day and night for four days now. The place is cozy. Canucks are playing the Columbus Blue Jackets at 10 PM Pacific Time today because it’s Martin Luther King Jr holiday in the US today. Watched the Canucks game. They lost in overtime to Columbus.

Last post I did was about a legal case taken to the highest court in the world, the International Court of Justice. South Africa has brought Israhell to the court on a charge of genocide against it’s oppressed Palestinian minority indigenous people living in Gaza. Today I updated that post with Part II of Craig Murray’s excellent coverage and analysis. I highly recommend reading it as Murray even gives odds on the success of the submission. Interestingly, as I’ve been discussing with fellow truth researcher FreakedOut, my views on this post have been surprisingly low…to the point where I wonder if it is even being sent out to all my subscribers, as is supposed to have been done by WordPress. It could be that I am being algorithmed out of existence, as the Cy-Borg has threatened to do to us bloggers.

Today I am posting about another legal case much closer to home. Canadians with their heads screwed on right are well aware of the Coutt4 Travesty of Justice that has been going on now for over 700 days. Four activists, all without previous criminal record, were arrested after the Coutt’s Alberta Border Blockade, part of the Trucker Freedom Convoy movement of January/February 2022. These four men, all with families waiting for them, have been held without bail in an Alberta jail ever since. One of them was up for release yesterday but was again turned down for bail. Please see the video below for details.


What happened to these unfortunate patsys for the corrupt government/legal cabal is that they happened to be staying in a home of a woman who offered demonstrators lodging during the stand off. The Police raided the home while they were out but the woman was there. It has been rumoured that the RCMP planted weapons in the home which they then charged the men with having. The men have been held in jail on these vague weapons charges ever since. The proceedings are kept under wraps and nobody is allowed to report on what is going on in the courtroom during the many hearings that have been held in the over two years since the men were arrested. It all stinks of a Kangaroo Court perpetrated to make the men suffer by the process, perhaps break them and then hold them up to Canadians as a threat to what could happen to anyone who resists the Federal Lie-beral Borg government of JFT. The men have racked up huge legal expenses. Go Fund Me’s have been set up for all of them and I donated $100 to one of them [can’t remember which one I donated to anymore].

Below I have copied some information about the “evidence” that this travesty of justice is based on. Please read the following and I will have concluding comments to follow:


This is the link where homeowner Joanne Person describes what happened to her the night of the RCMP raid that led to the arrest of the Coutts 4….At the 7:25 mark she starts explaining this which begins when the RCMP call her cell phone..

Joanne Person at Coutts Fundraiser | Alberta Wide Convoy to Coutts…

Alberta Wide Convoy to Coutts January 28, 2023 As well as the Facebook live videos we did on Saturday, we also wanted to bring attention to this amazing…

“…As a result of my daughter’s advice, I have five and a half hours of recording of the police bringing guns into my home, laughing and saying “Looks like being a Good Samaritan’s going to bring her a guns charge.” One of the guys warmed his pizza up in my microwave”….


Judging from what Joanne Person says in the video above, the police have slim to none evidence against the four men who have been kidnapped and held captive by the Federal government for over 700 days. We don’t know because the court proceedings have been secretive and nothing about what has happened has been leaked to the press. All we know is that reporters/bloggers who have been sitting in the courtroom come out afterwards and say to the camera “Justice is dead in Canada, folks.” and words to that effect. It’s shocking. But, because it’s not being covered in the MSM, the sheeple are totally oblivious of the travesty going on in our formerly civilized and lawful country.

In conclusion, folks, It all stinks to high heaven of JFT following the orders of his international Borg handlers. I have pointed out previously that, while this has been going on in Canada, a similar travesty has been going on in the US which they call the January 6th demonstration at the Capital in Washington, DC. I have not followed that case too closely but the similarities are that some average Joe’s have been arrested and have been held forever on very spurious charges.

Standing back and looking at the overall scene…it appears that the Borg has ordered their so-called “national leader” puppets to destroy justice in their countries. This is being done to set precedents of “Chinese-style” dictatorships so that when the next fraudulent selections are held in both countries and it become apparent to all the sheeple that they are living in a Chinese-style dictatorship…they won’t look to the courts or the justice system to save them. Stay tuned.

This was one of the many Internet advertisements encouraging Albertans to show up for the Coutts Border Convoy back in February, 2022

6 thoughts on “Updated: Coutts 4

  1. I’ve been receiving your updates. Thank you so much for all the work you’ve done and for sharing with us. I’ve been following you for years. Agree with your assessment regarding the Borg. Yes, we’re being prepped for a Chinese style dictatorship. It’s sad. So many folks are still asleep. They won’t care until it’s already here and too late to remove it, we will have a permanently embedded dictatorship.

    Sent from my iPad


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  2. Hi Margo. Thanks for checking in and letting me know my subscribers are still getting my posts. I told a friend about the Coutts 4 this afternoon. She had no idea about this story at all. She told me afterwards that she doesn’t pay attention to the news anymore because it’s too depressing.


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