Personal Update and urgent vax warning

Paul and me in January 2018

Good Tuesday morning beloved sentients. First of all, an apology for my lengthy time away from this blog and keeping all my beloved sentients in suspension. My last post was written and published on the day my youngest brother, Paul [aged 66], passed away. He died a week after a sudden, massive stroke, which I’m convinced was brought on by all the vaxes and boosters he’s had forced on him without his informed consent over the past three+ years.

Back in 2020/21, when the covID HOAX rollout of the vaxes started, I warned all those responsible for my handicapped [Downs Syndrome] brother’s care [including my older sister who made herself his guardian] NOT to vaccinate him–or his health would become damaged. They not only did not listen to me…they derided me, isolated me and at one point even cut me off direct contact with my brother. Now that my prediction has come true–they continue to smirk and roll their eyes when I draw their attention to the ominous connection between the vaxes and all the epidemic of vax injuries we’re seeing all around us now. There is no one so blind as those who WILL NOT see“, as my mother used to say.

My brother’s funeral was quite a large and somber affair, the Catholic church quite full of mourners as my brother was a resident of L’Arche, a large international organization that provides residential care for the developmentally disabled. All his friends and housemates in the immediate L’Arche community attended, along with our family. One of his housemates, a disabled lady named “Sue” told the group that she would miss Paul because “Now, nobody will ask me to marry him.” She spent weeks making a condolence card for Paul. He was loved by many.

When I was mingling with friends and family during the funeral period I was alarmed at how many of the millennial generation have hacking, persistent chest coughs that have not gone away in months. They told me that, despite visiting the doctor and getting chest x-rays, they cannot get a diagnosis what this cough is. Well I know but I could not tell them–for fear of bringing on a tsunami of beratements and insults. What they most likely have is a surge in spike proteins attacking their lungs. After all, the CovID vax injected an experimental mRNA gene-editing system into every cell in their bodies–designed to produce the immune system killer–‘spike proteins’.

My brother’s funeral was not the time nor place to disabuse them of the notion that the vaxes were “safe and effective”–as they’ve been relentlessly told and have gullibly accepted. But somebody needs to tell them–and signal an alarm to the entire vaxed population! Time is running short.

Here is what eminent virologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has to say. Dr Vanden Bossche was one of the earliest truthtellers to warn us about the toxic injections. I learned a lot from him–and many others such as Dr. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Stephen Malthouse and Dr. Charles Hoffe. Here is what Dr. Vanden Bosche said recently.

Top Virologist Warns of Impending ‘Tsunami’ of Illness and Death Among Vaccinated Population | [your]NEWS (


“…What I can advise…to all these vaccinated people: they need to avoid reinfection.”

“It is the reinfection of vaccinated people that is responsible for this situation…

“Well, the only thing they can do — it’s very simple — is take anti-virals, of course.”

“The only difference is, you will not be able to wait to take anti-virals until you have symptoms.”

“As soon as people see that in one of the other countries, or one of the other states in the United States when this starts with hospitalizations going up very rapidly, they need to take anti-virals prophylactically, not wait until they have any symptoms.”

“I’m in Belgium,” he added…”


After reading the above report I researched Antiviral medications:

Antivirals: Antiviral Medication, What they treat & How they work (

List of antiviral drugs – Wikipedia

Interestingly, when my daughter-in-law came down with the nagging, persistent hacking chest cough a couple of months ago now, I recommended that she go on a course of anti-biotics. She did go to her doctor, got a chest X-ray and was told by her doctor that she did not have pneumonia and did NOT need antibiotics. These ba$tard fake doctors do not have a clue!

According to Dr. Vanden Bossche, I was right and her fake doctor was wrong!

While I was away from this blog, I was very active on X–it acted as kind of a grief therapy for me–because I was dealing with those who are far worse afflicted–such as the Palestinians being exterminated in Gaxa. During my time on X, I read many posts by people reporting on their vaxed friends and family dying in numbers from the various effects vax–turbo cancers, heart disease, [see below]


….stroke, neurological and blood diseases amongst other conditions. The spike proteins go for the weakest part of the body and destroy it, apparently.

It’s quickly reaching a point when I have the moral duty to again warn my family and friends [as I tried to do in the early days of the vax] so they can take precautions. When should I send the information in this post to my family? That is what I’m wondering now. Back in the winter of 2021/2022 my biggest fear was being alone–after all my family had died off in the tsunami of vax effects.  This still is my biggest fear. It has kept me numb and frozen.

Here is Dr. Peter McCullough with his suggestions for vax detoxification. Information that should be shared far and wide. Please watch this video and I’ll have final comments to follow:


Dr. Peter McCullough’s detox for the vax

Greencrow concludes:

A quote about nuclear war, sometimes attributed to Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. keeps going through my head...”The survivors will envy the dead”. This is what I believe is coming for the vaccinated…and for us the potential “survivors”. I envy my brother Paul–because he’ll never see the deaths of all those around him and the collapse of social institutions–such as hospitals. My sentence is: I know what’s coming but am forbidden to say anything and/or warn anyone in my family circle about it. Only when it’s too late will I be able to point to the catastrophe around me and say “See, I told you this would happen.” Well, at a time of my own choosing, I will warn them…as I did in 20/21, and I’ll use the links in this post to point them in the direction of survival. Stay tuned.

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