Russia,Ukraine, Kazakhstan… and canada

Good morning readers. Only an abject fool or a sheeple could not see that the Media abruptly changed the channel between the two year running CovIDian cult psy-op and the Ukraine demonize Russia/Putin psy-op. The public is being led around by the nose…and subjected to whiplash–between the CovIDian Cult psy-op and the Ukraine psy-op. It’s disgusting to watch.

Here in Canada, an entire nation is suffering from severe whiplash. Why did all the Western governments suddenly switch gears? Well, knowing the Turvert’s juvenile narcissism, I believe Canada’s over-the-top reaction to the Ukraine situation was a knee jerk reaction by Trudeau to having his hand slapped by the Canadian Senate. The Turvert lives in the Ottawa bubble. He also lives in a psychopathic bubble within the Ottawa bubble. You could see the shock on his face when he announced the end of The Emergency Act Caper. Looking stunned is as close as the Tervert ever gets to self reflection or insight.

He stupidly did not factor in the likelihood that the Canadian Senate had not yet been completely commandeered and corrupted by the WEF. After all, at least half of the House of Commons is made up of WEF MP’s. So it was a huge shock when his toady’s came to him and gently informed him that the Senate vote was likely not going to go his way.

He was then forced to go in front of the cameras, backtrack and even publicly call for an inquiry into the entire handling of the Trucker Convoy Demonstration debacle. Will such an inquiry include finding out what happened to the two victims of the Horse Trampling on February 18th? If the details of that travesty were to come to light–who ordered the horses to charge and, in fact, who WERE the members of the horse brigade…were they even Canadians…much less RCMP members? Well, the reality shifters and myth-makers are working overtime covering up the tracks on that one. The truth is the greatest enemy of rats like Trudeau. He’ll do anything to prevent the public knowing what happened surrounding The Emergency Act dying chapter of the two year CovIDian Cult Caper. So….what’s the next step? Declare War on Russia over Ukraine. Think about it. That is the ONLY news story big enough to bury the CovIDian Cult Fiasco. It’s not rocket science and it’s been in their back pockets for at least five years now.

Shhhhhh. Don’t tell the sheeple but what is going on in the geographic location formerly known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is that Putin/Russia is liberating the Ukraine from the Satanic corruption that has enveloped it gradually and increasingly for the past Decade or More. The Ukraine, while one of the most agriculturally fertile areas on the planet, is an economic and political basket case. It is a money-laundering centre, a BioWeapons Lab production centre, a satanic human traffiking global nucleus. We found out during the civil war 2014-17 that the soldiers of the Ukraine army are notoriously unmotivated and unwilling to kill their own ethic brothers and sisters. They had to be bullied into fighting against the breakaway republics of the Donbas and were easily coralled into a Russian cauldron at the end of the war. The Russian-backed Donbas resistance pulled back and called for peace at the end, in order that the Ukrainian soldiers be spared from slaughter.

But the West was onto a good thing and refused to let go of the policy of using the Ukraine as a blunt weapon against Russia. The West cannot tolerate a country being so protective of its sovereignty and particularly its huge land mass as Russia/Putin is. Russia’s nationalistic policies have eternally violated the Globalists’ essence–its cancerous greed.

Here is Trudeau threatening Russia with being kicked out of the SWIFT Global financial system. As if that was anything new. The West has been trying to kick Russia out of that system literally for a couple of decades now. Why? Because Russia has put in place safeguards to prevent it from being economically ransacked, according to the strategies described in John Perkins “Confessions of an Economic Hitman”.

Ironically, being ransacked by Western economic hitmen is EXACTLY WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO UKRAINE DURING THE PAST TWO DECADES OR SO. That is what Putin is going in to stop.

The truth is that Europe desperately needs the energy and resources of Russia. While Russia is eager to share its riches with its neighbours…it is determined to remain in control of them and this is what this war is really all about. The Western parasites are willing to see all their so-called “allies” starve and freeZe in the dark rather than bargain as equals with Russia:

So, one by one, Russia/Putin has decided to rid it’s neighbours of the economic hit-men parasites. So quickly forgotten, here is what happened not too long in Kazakhstan:

The QR Codification/digital harvesting/biocolonization of all humanity suffered a serious setback in Kazakhstan. But, like all their losses and setbacks [such as the forced dropping of the Emergency Act here in Canada] Outlier events like the Kazak purge are quickly covered up by the criminally complicit MZM.

Penny for your thoughts Blog is a very good source to find out what is really going on in eastern Europe. “…Just listened to Putin’s speech for the second time, both written and audio. He’s doing the right thing. The evil empire is the U.S. and the Ukraine is the place where it launders its illegal money, organizes white slavery and produces adrenochrome for the rich politicians.”

Greencrow continues: Russia has been preparing for decades for the day when it is kicked out of the SWIFT banking system. Russia has diversified its assets…it is not entirely dependent on the SWIFT system and is, in fact, in the process of setting up its own system along with China, India and other members of the BRICS economic partnership it formed over a decade ago.

If the Western mainstream media were to accidentally tell the truth, the public would be shocked to learn that most Ukrainians welcome the liberation from the corrupting “economic hitmen” forces that have been sucking all the life and resources out of Ukraine for years. Why, I read back during the Ukraine civil war that the government had even stooped to selling it’s rich agricultural soil off on the black market! Can you imagine allowing other nations to come in and steal your very soil? Well, perhaps that’s going on in Canada as I type…Canada is just as much an economic basket case/corrupt and politically owned as is Ukraine. Wasn’t Winnepeg, Manitoba the location for the biolab where the “Wuhan virus” was created?

Canadian officials who met with Ukrainian unit linked to neo-Nazis feared exposure by news media: documents

A year before the meeting, Canada’s Joint Task Force Ukraine produced a briefing on the Azov Battalion, acknowledging its links to Nazi ideology.

Author of the article:

David Pugliese  •  Ottawa Citizen

Greencrow concludes: Some analysts posit that Ukraine is just a psy-op. That Putin and the West are like professional wrestlers…choreographing wars to cover up slight of hand maneuvers against all humanity.—ukraine-is-a-g.html?_ga=2.198001583.1862479354.1645751832-346964864.1627224119

I like to think not. I like to think there are still some humans who are willing to–as I phrased it when talking about the Canadian Parliament’s responsibility during the Emergency Act debate/vote–“take out the garbage”. i.e., rid the body politic of corruption and disease….

To continue the analogy, the Canadian House of Commons was so infiltrated by WEF moles that it was unable to “take out the garbage” of the Turvert and his Emergency Act. The Canadian Senate [an appointed body by the way] indicated it WAS willing to take out the garbage. This is why the Turvert quickly truncated the crisis by dropping the Act himself…he did not want a “dangerous” precedent of democratic cleansing to take place.

Putin, whatever else you might say about him…is willing to ‘take out the garbage’. And that is exactly what he is now doing in Ukraine.

Russian reaction to Canadian sanctions:

8 thoughts on “Russia,Ukraine, Kazakhstan… and canada

  1. Sorry….

    It’s pretty clear this is global political theatre for sheeple masses

    The Ukraine issue is a hybrid of cartoon villains/Pro wrestling.
    I do have sympathy for the average citizens caught up in this, but I don’t trust Putin.

    Anyone with even a double digit IQ and even a Kindergarten level understanding of history would have predicted that a “conflict” would break out somewhere as a distraction to the COVID scam

    Right on cue !!! as Turdeau royally f*cked up his WEF role…,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And the saddest part of all is the sheeple are now completely meZmeriZed by the Ukraine war. just as they were last week by the CovIDian Cult. It never once occurs to them that they might be being played by the MZM.


  2. Other reasonably informed Truthers should be aware UKRAINE 2022 was part of the ancient (((Khazarian))) empire.

    Benjamin Freidmans speech from 1960’s exposed this.

    In other words…the fake (((J*Ws))) are willing to turn the planet into a massive cull to achieve this objective.


  3. Greencrow,

    Guess who has children working for Ukrainian gas interests.

    John Kerry
    Nancy Pelosi
    Joe Biden
    Mitt (The Shit) Romney

    Guess which country contributed the most to the Clinton Foundation.


    Ukraine is also a hotbed for human trafficking.


  4. I am inclined to agree that this whole Russia-Ukraine thing is designed to be a huge media distraction (“look here, not there!”) from the Covaids scamdemic. How much more on cue could this have arrived? And of course with the 24/7 Russia-Ukraine coverage, its down the memory hole for the freedom convoy!


  5. Great comments folks:

    Keep your head on a swivel re: your own Gov’ts and how they may pull various stunts while you are distracted.


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