Good morning readers. I am not going to put up a long post today. We had the first snow of the season this morning and I have a lot to do. But, let remind readers, that the Emergency Act Inquiry is ongoing live all this week and I really encourage everyone to watch it live and I would love if you posted your comments on this post or my post of yesterday.

Here is the link to the Livestream of the Emergency Act Inquiry.

And here’s a new link to an article by Andrew Lauton about how the Inquiry is bringing forth evidence supporting the allegation that the PMO viewed the convoy as a political opportunity, not an emergency.

Also, I highly recommend you watch the Bitchute video below where Alberta oncologist Dr. William Makis an, a retired Alberta doctor, is interviewed about his social activist role publicizing the sudden and unexpected deaths of over 80 doctors in Canada shortly after they received the CovID vaccine/boosters.

Photos of some of the more than 80 Canadian Doctors who have died ‘Suddenly and Unespectedly’ after receiving their CovID-19 vaccines and booster shots

In the interview below, Dr William Makis, overturns the rock of the Alberta Health Authority and describes all the odious creatures scurrying around and residing beneath–including a ‘mafia-style’ family of lawyers going back generations who actually control the Medical Board [overlooking medical licensing] and routinely write bullying and threatening letters to any doctors who ‘step out of line’. Really folks, you will be shocked at what you learn about the so-called ‘medical profession’ in the video below. It’s absolutely astounding!

Alberta oncologist Dr. William Makis in conversation “Maryann and the Professor”– Long Version

Here’s the complete conversation with Alberta oncologist Dr. William Makis. This explosive conversation reveals sudden deaths of Canadian doctors, the corrupt Alberta Health Services and Alberta College of Physicians, Mafia-like lawyers in Alberta driving medical tyranny, and PM Trudeau’s closure of the internationally renowned Alberta cancer clinic to make way for a new private for-profit clinic in BC.


Greencrow concludes: Dr. Makis is one of a growing number of courageous medical professionals who are coming forward and speaking out–as we move into the next [three to five years] phase of the plandemic, described over the past two years by many research scientists such as Dr. Dolores Cahill as–the physical collapse [cytokine storm/ADE- Anti-body Dependent Enhancement] and death of the vaccinated and boosted.